Saints Margaret of Scotland and Gertrude of Germany

Beautiful and demure Margaret of Scotland (+1093) was the devoted wife of Malcom III, King of the nation to which she fled as a...

Saint Francis Borgia – Second Founder of the Jesuits

Saint Francis Borgia (1510 - 1572) was a true renaissance man, who lived two lives in one - first, as a married layman, then...

Isidore’s Internet and Industriousness

Today, April 4th - this year smack dab in the middle of Easter Week, and last year during Holy Week - is the commemoration...

The Passion of Saint Paul of the Cross

There are two options today for saints - the first are the 'North American Martyrs', also called the Canadian Martyrs, but who most accurately...

The Great Dominican Dream

August 8th is the feast of St Dominic Guzman, founder of the Dominican Order. This year St Dominic’s feast is special because we are...

Justin, the Martyr Philosopher

Saint Justin (+165) who is called the 'martyr', was born around the time the last Apostle, John, departed this life for heaven. Justin was...

Jane Frances de Chantal and her Visitation

Jane Frances Fremiot (+1641) was a beautiful, refined young woman from Burgundy, betrothed to the handsome Baron de Chantal at 21 years old -...

Saint Bridget of Ireland

Saint Bridget of Kildare (451 – 525), who lived a century after Saint Patrick (385 – 461), and a century before Saint Columbanus (543...

Pope Sixtus and Companions, Martyrs To the End

Historians count ten traditional persecutions of Christians in the early Church – from the first, under Nero, beginning in 63 A.D. through a series...

Saint Josaphat, Martyr for Unity

Our Lord seems to have been speaking of our modern crisis when he warns that scandals are sure to come, and woe to him...