Ignatius Ground to Wheat, While Canada Grows its Pot

(This being not only the memorial of the one of the Church's earliest post-Apostolic martyrs, the great Ignatius, who may have known the Apostle...

Avila’s Teresa

(From our archives, on the great 16th century Carmelite reformer Saint Theresa of Avila, whose sparkling, vivid and very human personality echoes through the...

Pope Benedict and Teresa of Avila

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 2 February 2011 Saint Teresa of Avila Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the course of the Catecheses that I have chosen...

Saint Serafino da Montegranaro

In the Little Flowers of St Francis, which is a florilegium in 53 short chapters which in it we find contained the life of St...

The Living Journal of Pope John XXIII

October the 11th is the feast day of St John XXIII, chosen since it was the opening day of the Second Vatican Council, so...

St Faustina: A Model for our Path to Sanctity

The feast of St Faustina, celebrated on Wednesday 5 October 2022, brings to my mind the great need of letting the Lord make us...

Story of a Soul

October first is the liturgical memorial of St Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower of Jesus, as she is commonly known, her fame spread...

Twenty-Sixth Sunday: Lazarus and Helping the Poor

As for you, man of God; pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness (1 Tim. 6:11). The parable of Lazarus and the rich man is...

Blessed Émilie Tavernier   

For an official biography of today's home-grown Canadian saint, the youngest of fifteen children - yes, large families are quite conducive to holiness, if...

Saint Ignazio da Santhià, A Wise Companion for Holiness

September 22nd is the feast day of Saint Ignazio da Santhià. Who was this Capuchin saint? Ignazio Bevisotti was born in Santhià (Vercelli) on 5...