Hilary Mantel’s Reformation Revisionism

Hilary Mantel, English novelist  died last week at the age of 70. Her fame - or infamy, depending on one's perspective - rests largely...

Reading the Church Fathers: A Review

As I was reading Reading the Church Fathers: A History of the Early Church and the Development of Doctrine, a brand new magnum opus...

Virgina Woolf’s ‘To the Lighthouse’: Isolation and Intimacy

Human relationships are sorely limited. We all long for companionship and lasting union with another. However, regardless of place or time, one's ability to...

Romano Guardini’s ‘The End of the Modern World’

The End of the Modern World, a 1956 book by Italian-German priest and theologian, Romano Guardini, is not an easy or facile read. That...

From Benedict’s Peace to Francis’ War: A Review

The fight for Tradition in the Church, in particular her liturgy, is a long and arduous one that will not cease until the parousia,...

Like a Tree Cut Back: Memoir of A Lost Ireland

Like a Tree Cut Back By Michael McCarthy The Poetry Business, Sheffield, England smith-doorstop, 2021 Father Michael McCarthy’s memoir, Like a Tree Cut Back, takes its title from...

A Catholic Scientist Champions the Shroud of Turin

The 'Shroud of Turin', widely held as the very burial sheet of Our Lord, imprinted miraculously with the image of His own body, will...

The Ladder of Divine Ascent: A book to read during Lent

One of the great spiritual books that it is surely advisable to be read during the Lenten journey is The Ladder of Divine Ascent, written...

Evelyn Waugh’s Bitter Trial

“It must be observed that if the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate even publicly.” St.Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica II,...

Echoes of Ronald Knox and C.S. Lewis

Some years ago I wrote rather a long winded play, Shaw vs Chesterton, an imaginary debate between two great friends, G.K. Chesterton and Bernard...