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      Return of the Taliban, 2.0

      What is one to say of the 'fall of Afghanistan' over the weekend, which many - myself included - predicted as soon as we...

      Biber’s Rosary Sonatas

      We will post our Sunday musical selection a day early this week, as there is a Marian theme, fitting for this Saturday in August,...

      Queenship of Mary

      The 22nd of August of the feast of the Queenship of Mary, which this year falls on a Sunday, one week after the Assumption....

      Avoiding Catholic Syncretism

      Throughout her history, the Catholic Church has always had to struggle to address controversial issues of all kinds, and what we are facing in...

      Our Lady of Częstochowa

      On August 26th, the Church celebrates with great joy the feast of Our Lady of Częstochowa. This feast has a long history which is...

      The True Saint Augustine

      St. Augustine’s legacy has fared so well not just because of his personal holiness and scholarly genius, but also because of the great ease...

      Blessed Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster OSB (1880-1954): A Pastor Whose Heart Burned with Christ’s Love

      On August 30th, as a Church we joyfully celebrate the liturgical memorial of a great but largely unknown pastor of the Church, Blessed Alfredo...

      In Defence of Unwanted Innocence

      I am for peace, but when I speak they are for war — Psalm 120 Abortion is a loaded issue on the lips of everyone...

      Blessed Apollinaire Morel of Posat

      Jean-Jacques Morel was born in a village in the proximity of Fribourg in Switzerland on June 12, 1739. He came into the world after...

      Virtue and the Eucharistic Life

      ‘Listen to me, all of you, and understand there is nothing outside a person that by going in can defile them, but things that...