A Saint for Canada

Blessed Dina Belanger died on this day in 1929, suffering from tuberculosis, brought on by the scarlet fever she contracted while tending a sick...

The Muddled Metaphysics of Darwin

(Today, August 20th, marks the anniversary of the publication Darwin's Origin of Species, in 1858, whose full title includes also "by Means of Natural...

Thinking as Though God Exists: Newman on Evangelizing the “Nones”

Dr. Ryan Topping, of Newman Theological College in Edmonton, zealous proponent of true Catholic education, life-long teacher, prolific author and sometime contributor to these...

The Choice of Saint Matthias

In today Office of Readings for the feast of Saint Matthias, Saint John Chrysostom writes 'neque dixerunt: Elige, sed ostende electum - quem elegeris,...

Would the Real Saint Nicholas Please Stand Up?

Saint Nicholas of Myra (+343) has gone down in legend in more ways than one. His general story follows below, but through the years...

Saint Mark in a Hurry

Saint Mark, writer of the Gospel and first bishop of Alexandria, was the missionary companion and amanuensis of Saint Peter, the first pope. The...

Labour, Leisure and Life

Labour Day – a rather prosaic name for the last holiday of summer - why not, 'blow out day', or 'the end of leisure,...

The Fate of Unbaptized Babies: Matthew Plese…Please Distinguish

Over at OnePeterFive, columnist Matthew Plese, who, according to his by-line, is a Third Order Dominican and an official catechist, claims as Church dogma...

God be with ye

I was speaking with a colleague, Fred, who is an atheist, and he told me that he preferred to use Xmas on his Christmas...