Of Work and Communists Bearing Gifts

In his 1981 encyclical Laborem Exercens, Pope John Paul II defined work as 'any activity of man', contrary to our modern notion, so immersed in...

The March for Life and the Contemplative Life

The annual March for Life is coming up in two days, this Thursday, May 10th, with Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral at 10:00 a.m.,...

Scandalous and Sacred Fashion

I must admit that I have trouble keeping up with the via mundi, the ways of the world, and have this abiding, if inchoate and...

Placating Tyrants and Playing Catch up with the Culture of Death

From Justin Trudeau’s eyebrow apparently falling off during a press scrum (apparently it may have been an optical illusion), to his tiff with President...

Choices, Good and Bad

Today is the feast of Saint Matthias, the one chosen, as recounted in the first chapter of Acts, to replace Judas Iscariot, who betrayed...
Pope St. John Paul II

Of Popes, Potentates and Princes Royal

May 18th would have been Pope Saint John Paul II's 98th birthday, which would be old even for the oldest of Popes. Benedict, the...

Calvary: A Film Review

Directed by John Michael McDonagh Written by John Michael McDonagh In the credits at the end of Calvary (2014), interspersed among the endless lists of names, are still...

Mother of the Church, Mazenod and Victoria Day

We celebrate today the memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church, an ancient title of the Virgin, which was formally instituted into the Holy...

Three Saints for One

Today is a rarity in our liturgical calendar, as we celebrate no less than three saints, each of them optional memorials: In order of...

A Vote for Life

The referendum vote in Ireland today, on the ‘right’ to abortion, is a turning point in our culture, for the Catholic nation symbolizes something...