There is Much Hope: My Experience at the National Eucharistic Congress

A couple of weeks ago in Indianapolis, IN, 60,000 Catholics gathered together for a five-day National Eucharistic Congress. I was blessed to be one...

What Is Heaven?

Christians agree that God invites us all to end our lives in a state of being called 'heaven'; that is, in a personal relationship...

The Problem of Evil

There is no better way to solve the problem of evil than by starting with a definition of what evil is, or is not....

Saint Helen and Pope John Paul II

August 18th is the traditional feast of St Helen, mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, the Empress who found the Cross of Christ. In...

Pope Benedict, Saint John Eudes and the Formation of Priests

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Wednesday, 19 August 2009 (Video) Saint John Eudes and the formation of the diocesan clergy Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today is the liturgical Memorial of St...

Saint Louis IX: A Most Christian King

St. Louis IX (1214-1270) has been considered by many to be the greatest king of medieval Christendom. As the quintessential Catholic monarch, he ruled...

Two Roads Diverged, But They Both Lead Back to the Basics – and to...

To a scientist—an honest one—the term disruptive is one of approbation. It means something’s been discovered or invented that shakes the continuously ossifying framework...

Esto Vir! Be a Man

Deacon Kyle Broderson recently gave a talk during which he asked the men in his audience to consider what they most wanted to be...

Andre Grasset, Canada’s First Beatus, Martyr in the September Massacres

Blessed André Grassett was the first Canadian to be beatified - not quite the first 'saint', which requires canonization, and that honour belongs to...

Is Religion a Burden?

Religion and philosophy share one precise goal: to explore and explain all the unseen causes behind the visible world of human experience. Philosophy seeks...