The Bible and the Big Bang

Recently I was asked by an atheist friend to point to just one passage in Scripture for which there is a single piece of...

The Grace of Fatherhood

On Father’s Day, we celebrate the great grace of being a father; such a vocation means that a man is being entrusted by God,...

Life Beyond the Sting of Death

There is surprisingly little in the Old Testament about the immortality of the soul. The later books talk about it, but the early books...

Saint Joseph’s Perpetual Virginity and the Apocrypha

Some time ago a good friend of mine asked me to write an article touching on the Perpetual Virginity of Saint Joseph and concerning...

A Brief Commentary on Dignitas Infinita

Dignitas Infinita was released by the Vatican on April 8, 2024 by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, currently...

Pope Benedict and the Birth of the Baptist

BENEDICT XVI ANGELUS St. Peter's Square Sunday, 24 June 2012 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today, 24 June, we are celebrating the Solemnity of St John the Baptist. He is...

The Uselessness of Utopias

(The term 'utopia' was coined by the great statesman and martyr, Thomas More, in his 1516 book by the same name. It literally means...

The Perpetual Virginity of St. Joseph?

A quality that has defined my ten years of priesthood and most of my life is a consistent and deep devotion to St. Joseph....

Fulton Sheen and Infallibility

The doctrine of papal infallibility was dogmatically defined in the First Vatican Council's document Pastor Aeternus in 1870. Of course, this gift of the...

The Myth of “Hitler’s Pope”

Now and then we hear someone who is not well educated in history complain that Hitler was a Catholic and that the Vatican was...