The Conversion of Eva Vlaandinerbroek

We cradle Catholics all feel a bit of a boost when we hear of converts, especially of the famous sort, even if we also welcome the infamous, the non-famous, the obscure and the hidden – everyone is welcome, and we should beat the bushes to find them and welcome them all into the wedding banquet. It’s much more fun inside the Church than outside – and you get a sure path to heaven as a bonus, if you persevere.

So it was heartening to hear of the recent conversion of Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a young, Dutch, conservative political commentator, who was welcomed into the Catholic fold last Easter, and is on fire for the Faith, indeed, even willing to die for it:

To the people who tell me to hide my Faith from my discourse: I won’t succumb to you. From those on the left who call it a “stupid medieval fairytale”, to those on the Nietzschean right who call it “performative”; I fear God more than all of you combined. Ave Christus Rex.

These words, reminiscent of the early martyrs, whose era we may soon see redivivus, are from this conversation between Miss Vlaadingerbroek and Mrs. Tammy Peterson, wife of Jordan Peterson, and it’s well worth a watch: