It’s Official: John Paul II Day in Canada

Our parish priest reminded us this morning that by statutory law in Canada, today is officially ‘John Paul II Day’. I must confess that I did not know, and somehow missed, that back on December 16th, 2014, Parliament passed an Act to establish this day, to commemorate the great pontiff:

 Throughout Canada, in each and every year, the second day of April is to be known as “Pope John Paul II Day”.

This was in recognition of his many achievements, including helping to end Communism (at least as a political entity – its evils are still with us); his promotion of peace; his love for youth and World Youth Days; his epochal three visits to Canada.

Too many Canadians and parliamentarians have rejected much of what Pope John Paul II taught, and Canada is descending into a dark, deep moral morass.

But the law stands as a testimony to what Canada was, and, in hope, may be again.

Ora pro nobis! +