The Church and China

It was a dramatic scene: venerable Cardinal Zen, bishop emeritus of Hong Kong, a lifelong foe and survivor of Communism in China, a spiritual...

Placating Tyrants and Playing Catch up with the Culture of Death

From Justin Trudeau’s eyebrow apparently falling off during a press scrum (apparently it may have been an optical illusion), to his tiff with President...

God be with ye

I was speaking with a colleague, Fred, who is an atheist, and he told me that he preferred to use Xmas on his Christmas...

The duty to defend

For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Chuck him out, the brute!’’ But it’s “Saviour of ’is country,’’ when the guns begin to...

To reject the soup

In Ireland, my ancestors were offered a devil’s bargain by the otherwise good people during the potato famine. At that time, well-intentioned but misguided...