Canada Consecrated

The Canadian Bishops, to their credit, have asked all Canadians to join in consecrating this fair land to Christ through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, His Mother and, as the prayer declares, the ‘Masterpiece’ of His creation.

So on this beautiful Sunday morning, if you have not already done so, join with all of us in consecrating, literally ‘setting apart’ and ‘making holy’ this Canada, founded on the sacrifice, the blood, sweat and tears of so many souls through the 150 years since its official founding, and for centuries before that, as a colony, a mission territory, and the home of the Indigenous peoples stretching back aeons. The text for the prayers can be found here.

May Canada have a glorious and noble future, one that is only possible if she, that is, we, rediscover her Christian roots, and we live out those principles in our lives, which will involve its own measure of consecration and sacrifice.

As Christ reminds us in today’s Gospel from Matthew:

he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 
He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.