What We Have Done, and What We Might Do

A continued, blessed Easter Octave to all our readers. Christus surrexit vere, alleluia!

Tal Bachman has a succinct summary of how we got from there to here, well worth a glance. I was struck by his getting the Thomistic principle that we humans are all religious by nature – and much, indeed everything, depends upon which religion we choose. Many have chosen climate change and, now Covid, as their religion, their mantra ‘stay safe’, at all costs, even unto the dissolution of the social order as we know. My quibble is with Bachman’s odd contrast, pitting Saint James ‘action’ against Saint Paul ‘creedal’ message. Otherwise, we would do well to reflect upon our own role in the myriad problems of our era. (Readers may recall Tal Bachman, the son of Randy Bachman, who had a hit back in the nineties with the earnest ballad ‘She’s So High Above Me’)

Hope is never lost. There is a distinction I read somewhere between a maze and a labyrinth: The former has dead ends, while the latter always leads to the centre – or the way out, depending on perspective – so long as you just keep on going.

So too, we just have to keep doing the right thing, as our conscience – as well-formed as we might make it – urges us.

There is much we can do, and hopefully Catholic Insight can help with some suggestions. Prayer and interior resolve is a necessity. Another to petition and pushback against these increasingly authoritarian measures, and one place to start might be NoMoreLockDowns. Worth a try? One way or the other, it’s time to tell our new dictators that enough is enough.

Freedom in truth, and truth in freedom!