The Madawaska Current and Magnifying the Masking Mandate

What follows may be of interest to readers who live in the Madawaska Valley, the location of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College, and the region in which this writer also happens to reside.

We – that is the College – and I – via my article a month or so ago on masking – have been targeted, somewhat unfairly to my mind, in a recent article in the Madawaska Valley Current, as undermining the protocols and guidelines put in place. (Please do scroll down, for my own comment, which I hope helps to clarify).

Also, on that note, I said that I would provide the letters I wrote to the author of the article, James di Fiore ‘off the record’. I have posted them on my personal blog, as clarifying my own, as well as the College’s, position on this contentious issue.

Here’s hoping we can all live and get along with some degree of peace and good will, in the spirit of dialogue and free expression.

In caritate et veritate +