I once read an article entitled, “The Devil Wants You to Settle in Your Relationship”; quite frankly, I do not think it could be said any better. The writer was directing her claim to those in romantic relationships, but nonetheless, I believe it to have deep significance in the smallest facets of everyday life.
If Christ assures us that He came that we may have life and have it abundantly, we can only deduce that the devil delights in that which goes against such promised prosperity, namely, a life of mediocrity. Mediocrity within family interactions, daily routines, work environments, ways to spend downtime, self-image, selection of food, hobbies one takes up, dating, marriage, how one chooses to use or not use the body God has given them, places one travels, how we interact or do not interact with nature, the music one fills their mind with, friendships one invests in, the ways we serve others, books we read, the books we do not read, decisions we make, decisions we do not make out of fear, conversations we partake in, the ways we deepen our prayer life, the clothing we wear, all of this and more. Every fabric of our life has profound meaning to Our Father who knows every last hair on our head.
The devil understands that a life of depravity will attract few, but the path of mediocrity is a wide net that catches many. Every human heart being fashioned after its Maker desires an end it cannot achieve on its own. The human heart desires abundant life both on this earthly pilgrimage and for all eternity. A daunting expedition if unaccompanied by a dependable guide. Having said this, Jesus affirms in John 10 that He is both the Gate and the Gatekeeper. Our end is in Him and the way to this end is through Him. He tells us, “A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”[1]
Oftentimes, the ordinary presents itself as such. Routines and relationships quickly become commonplace. Looking around physically and virtually at others’ lives, it can be tempting to render oneself just another speck in a vast sea. Immersed in what appears mundane, it can be hard to take Christ’s command to heart. The truth of the matter is that unless we do so, we are going against Christ’s desire for our lives. This is no small thing.
What does it look like to live as someone who believes that the life of a Christian is incompatible with mediocrity? Truthfully, it takes going against the grain in many aspects. It takes beginning again with intention each day and looking at every angle of one’s life with one question in mind, “Is this how I want to spend the one life God granted me?” There are a number of ways to reword this question to get at what is causing one to settle. Perhaps it is the romantic relationship they are pursuing, perhaps it is the way they nourish or rather, fail to nourish their body, perhaps it is the way they fill their leisure time, the lack of zeal they have for their own life. Whatever it is, the individual must examine their own life and freely pledge to abhor mediocrity in every area of the beautiful life God has given them. It is with unfailing confidence that we can trust in God’s designs for our abundant life. It is up to me and to you to launch ourselves head and heart first into the providence of Our Father who desires to see not even the least of His little ones lost settling for less than the rich plenitude He offers.
The devil has a field day with mediocrity. Do not let your hearts settle, but firmly choose the radical option of supernatural joy through a life that pursues abundance in all things.
[1] John 10:10