From Conspiracy to Confirmation

At the beginning of the ‘vaccine’ mandates, many were criticized as conspiracy theorists – tin-foil-hatted crackpots – for simply questioning the safety and efficacy of these largely-untested mRNA therapies, as the juggernaut of coercive mandates rolled across the entire globe.

The full truth is now being revealed – one might say, apocalyptically – in accord with the nature of science.

First, the harm of they have caused to untold millions:

As Mark Steyn adds:

The point about Australia and Singapore is well-taken. Because the borders were closed in support of a serious national quarantine, neither nation had any great Covid infection. Yet both were enthusiastic vax jabbers. And their excess deaths and other adverse events mirror those in Europe and elsewhere.

Steyn continues, that after many received knighthoods and peerages for their work on the AstraZeneca – miracle cure!  – Less than four years later it has been withdrawn from manufacture anywhere on earth.

What’s perhaps even more ominous is that those who did take the jab now have a Damoclean sword hanging over their heads. Perhaps it may never fall, but they’ll never really know, will they?

As as addendum, it is now confirmed by the CIA – of all people – that Covid was likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan which, again, was once held only by the fringe minority, accused of being ‘sinophobic’.

Trust your reason, your instincts, and the grace of the good God, dear reader. If it smells like bat guano, it probably is.