There are three things, my brethren, by which faith stands firm, devotion remains constant, and virtue endures. They are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Prayer...

Teachers who are not actively involved in the learning process themselves, force their students to drink from stagnant water (Saint Jean-Baptise de la Salle,...

To comprehend the nature of a thing is to unlock the mysteries of its present, and more, to disclose the profundities of its future...

The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people (G.K. Chesterton)

The Immaculate alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. She seeks souls that will consecrate themselves entirely to her, that will...

Hope is patience with the lamp lit (Tertullian)

For the word of God is light to the mind and fire to the will, enabling man to know and to love God. (Saint...

Know, beloved son, that I am the immaculate ever-virgin Mary, Mother of the true God who is the Origin of all life, who creates...

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God;...

See how he himself provides you with a way of singing. Do not search for words, as if you could find a lyric which...