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      Share with the poor

      Our human family is presently experiencing something of a turning point in its own history, if we consider the advances made in various areas....


      Our July/August 2013 cover artist is Jonathan Castellino, a hobby urban archaeologist and photographer based in the city of Toronto. His photographs document the intersection...

      St. Francis

      Our June 2013 cover artist is Veronica Bornyi, an iconographer from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. What is this piece about? In this icon, St. Francis is...

      The dignity and importance of work

      In the Gospel of St. Matthew, in one of the moments when Jesus returns to his town, to Nazareth, and speaks in the Synagogue,...

      Pigeons and doves

      Several years ago we were in New York City attending the ordination of a friend of mine, a red-headed Ontarian who is now called...

      Miley Cyrus’s unfortunate legacy

      The powers that be at Webster's added twerk to the dictionary the other day and wordsmiths everywhere cried and threw up in their mouths a...

      Autism and the Mentally Disturbed

      You've likely heard about the letter from “one pissed off mother” that was delivered to the home of the grandmother of an autistic kid...

      Eating Corn

      When I was growing up, my family planted a vegetable garden almost every summer. It was never a very big garden, just big enough...

      The Perks of Being Childless

      Time magazine published an article recently called “The Childfree Life: When having it all means not having children.” Since I don’t subscribe to Time...

      The problem of modesty

      Sometimes I have scruples about the things I write, worrying whether words will be misconstrued or pert opinions come across as doctrine. There haven’t...