We see here the difficult journey we must undertake before we can arrive at the fear of the Lord. We must begin by crying...

O Key of David and sceptre of Israel, what you open no one else can close again; what you close, no one can open....

Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. What more effective prayer could we then make in the name of...

O Rising Sun, you are the splendour of eternal light, and the sun of justice. O come and enlighten those who sit in darkness...

A democracy without values easily turns into open or thinly-disguised totalitarianism (Pope Saint John Paul II, Centesimus Annus)

Therefore, we must not hide this lamp of law and faith. Rather, we must set it up in the Church, as on a lamp-stand,...

There is absolutely no kind of human beings, my dearly beloved, who need to despair of their vocation; Christ suffered for all. It was...

Anyone who is determined to reach his destination is not deterred by the roughness of the road that leads to it. Nor must we...

Burning with the fire of love, she longed for him who she thought had been taken away. And so it happened that the woman...

Please God I will give my life for the holy union, for the supremacy of Peter and of the Holy Father, his successor… Lord,...