The Witness of the John Paul Institute

Much controversy has been raised by Pope Francis' recent reconfiguration of the constitutional make-up of the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family. ...

Saint Bridget of Ireland

Saint Bridget of Kildare (451 – 525), who lived a century after Saint Patrick (385 – 461), and a century before Saint Columbanus (543...

Calendars, Missions and Holy Wisdom

While we commemorate Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a few other anniversaries on this historically significant day, which are all sort of providentially linked...

Neo Pagan Micro Aggression

Today is the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (see my note to the side), so it as with some dismay that I read this...

Christus Natus Est, Gaudeamus!

A very merry, blessed and joyous Christmas to all our readers, which we hope is filled with God's grace and good cheer.  Someone sent...

The Salutary Reforms of Saint Pius X

We should pray today to Pope Saint Pius X (1835-1914) for all the woes we are currently facing in the Church. He too was...

Philip and James

Philip and James, Apostles, have been celebrated together on this day in May since the revision of the calendar in 1969. Philip is the...

Caskets and Kinder Eggs

Children’s caskets are now apparently being ordered in bulk. Odd, that what started the hyper-Covidian response of lockdowns, masking and isolation was the report...

Musings on the March

The March for Life was in many ways, as always, a rousing success – thousands of zealous pro-lifers of all ages and all walks...

It’s All About Liturgy

The author here makes a good point, that regardless of how bad, awful, outlandish, puerile, even sacrilegious liturgical abuse may be, it is almost...