Taking Pride in True Friendship
As Canadians celebrate 'Gay Pride' across this fair dominion, I thought a bit of clarity on what it really is we are being asked...
Saint Casimir of Poland
Today's saint, one of the patrons of Poland, and of Lithuania, whose very name means 'bearer of peace', makes a very a propos intercessor...
Beware Bagpiping Scotsmen
A bag piping Scotsman was recently fined in Montreal for carrying an 'illegal weapon', namely, his sgian-duh, literally his 'black', but more properly his...
Let’s Be Clear: IVF is Intrinsically Evil
IVF, like its inverted cousin, contraception, is a flash point between Catholics and Protestants - and even amongst Catholics themselves - witness Mr. Biden's...
Augustine’s Monastic Mission
The first bishop of Canterbury, Augustine (+604), pronounced in England, ‘Austin’, was a Roman citizen, like the ‘other’ Augustine, of Hippo, who lived over...
The Joyful Martyrs of Japan
Today is the feast of the Martyrs, Saint Paul Miki and Companions, put to death by crucifixion on February 5, 1597 at Nagasaki, Japan,...
Ave, Maria, Gratia Plena!
A blessed, joyous and grace-filled solemnity of the Annunciation to one and all! Today, the divine Word was made incarnate in the womb of...
The March for Life and the Contemplative Life
The annual March for Life is coming up in two days, this Thursday, May 10th, with Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral at 10:00 a.m.,...
The Pope and the Acta
What are we to say about Pope Francis placing into the Acta Apostolicae Sedis (the official compilation of Magisterial texts) the interpretation of the...
Thought Control, Khadr and King Henry the Emperor
I have an article published this morning in Crisis magazine, on a quartet of totalitarian thought-control laws recently passed here in Canada. Feel free...