Parents beware: The effects of teaching same-sex attraction during pre-adolescence
(At the request of the author, we are re-posting this reflection by Leeda Crawford from September 2010, sage advice for parents with children in...
Salvation is a Gift, to Those Who Seek It
For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save what the lost. (Lk. 19:10) ⧾
The conversion of Zacchaeus may be said...
Canada in Pieces
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
Humility and Happiness
The prayer of the humble pierces the clouds, and it will not rest until it reaches its goal (Sir. 35:17). ⧾
The parable of the...
From the Homily of Pope Paul VI At the Canonization of the Forty Martyrs...
25th October 1970
To all those who are filled with admiration in reading the records of these martyrs, it is perfectly clear that they are...
The Fire of Faith on Earth
‘And yet, when the Son of man returns will he find faith on earth?’ (Lk. 18:8). ⧾
Last Sunday, the anniversary of the last apparition...
Final Results from a Pro-Life Petition to Amend the Criminal Code of Canada
Five years ago Mr. Janusz Szepietowski, a former solidarity activist unjustly imprisoned under the 1981 Martial Law in Communist Poland, proposed to me to...
Why to Say No to Trudeau
When the blackface scandal first broke, CTV political commentator Don Martin said that Justin Trudeau told him as a backbench MP that he would...
John Henry Newman: A talk delivered to the Basilian Lay Associates
JOHN HENRY NEWMAN, whose life spanned most of the nineteenth century—1801-90—was and remains a fascinating character. Much of his charm is found in his...
The Roots of Eco-Socialism
Interesting, is it not, how – as the climate change hoax continues to advance itself with a wall of lies and half truths –...