Scott Ventureyra completed his PhD in philosophical theology at Carleton University/Dominican University College in Ottawa. He has published in academic journals such as Science et Esprit, The American Journal of Biblical Theology, Studies in Religion, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, and Maritain Studies. He has also written for magazines such as Crisis and Convivium and newspapers such as The National Post, City Light News, The Ottawa Citizen, and The Times Colonist. He has presented his research at conferences around North America, including the Science of Consciousness in Tucson, Arizona. He is the author and editor of several books, including Making Sense of Nonsense: Navigating through the West’s Current Quagmire. You can visit his greatly updated website at www.scottventureyra.com, where you can find all his writings and interviews and sign up for his regular newsletter. In addition, you can visit his publishing house’s (True Freedom Press) website at https://truefreedompress.co/. You can purchase books there and inquire about book editing, writing, and publishing services.