Dreher on the Olympic Debacle: A Civilizational Suicide Note on the Seine

Here is an insightful, and forceful, take on the Olympic opening ceremony by Rod Dreher.

An excerpt, on the spectacle staged by Thomas Jolly:

Jolly rogered the good faith of Christians the world over, and knew exactly what he was doing. So too did everyone at the IOC and in the French government who approved this thing. It is impossible to believe that this trashy LGBT mockery of Christianity didn’t get a sign-off at the highest level. This was Paris’s chance to present itself to the world, and they wouldn’t dare leave anything to chance. 

What the world saw was a transgressive homosexual romp and stomp across what Christians hold sacred. France’s elites signaled to the planet that it sacralizes homosexuality, transgenderism, sexual excess, and blasphemy. The Paris Olympics overture was a floor show for the Antichrist. 

Antichrist, indeed. A prelude, perhaps, for the main event on the horizon?