Saint Teresa’s Dark Night

September 5th is the feast of St Teresa of Calcutta, this year on a Sunday, but a few words may be in order, as...

Blessed Apollinaire Morel of Posat

Jean-Jacques Morel was born in a village in the proximity of Fribourg in Switzerland on June 12, 1739. He came into the world after...

Blessed Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster OSB (1880-1954): A Pastor Whose Heart Burned with Christ’s Love

On August 30th, as a Church we joyfully celebrate the liturgical memorial of a great but largely unknown pastor of the Church, Blessed Alfredo...

The Late, Great, Saint Augustine

On August 28th, we celebrate with great joy the feast day of St Augustine of Hippo, the great doctor of the Church. This fourth and...

Saint Bernard, Contemplatio in Actio

Today, the 20th of August, the universal Church celebrates “the man of the twelfth century”, St Bernard of Clairvaux. Born in 1090 in Fontaines, France,...

Saint Roch Against the Plague

August 16th, besides the public memorial of King Stephen of Hungary, is also the feast of a very popular mediaeval Saint, Roch of Montpellier,...

The Great Dominican Dream

August 8th is the feast of St Dominic Guzman, founder of the Dominican Order. This year St Dominic’s feast is special because we are...

Dominic and the Dogs of (Spiritual) War

(As Father Attard reminds us, this is the 8th centenary of the death of the great Saint Dominic, entering heaven on August 6th, 1221,...

God’s Shining Holiness in a Humble Priest

Wednesday 4 August 2021 is a special day for both shepherds and the flock - the feast of the holy Curé of Ars St...

The Saint Whose Speech Was Golden

On Monday 26 July 2021 I had the grace of visiting Ravenna, once the capital city of the Western Roman Empire, from 402 till...