Saint Marianne Cope of Molokai

Many of us have heard of Saint Damien of Molokai, the heroic missionary priest who gave his life working amongst the lepers in Hawaii....

Vincent the Deacon’s Silent Ordeal

Saint Vincent the Deacon (+304), who suffered grievous tortures witnessing to his Catholic faith under the Diocletian persecution (as did yesterday's Saint Agnes) is...

Agnes the Pure and Chaste

'Tis incumbent upon us in these days, so inimical to anything chaste and pure, to remind ourselves of the genius of the feminine and...

Saints Fabian and Sebastian: God’s Holy and Perfect Will

Pope Fabian (+250) was put to death on this day in the persecution of Emperor Decius, for refusing to offer idolatrous sacrifice, and this...

Abbot Anthony’s Narrow Way

Saint Anthony (+356) is commonly called 'the Abbot', or Anthony ‘of Egypt’, where he retreated to the wilderness as a young man to live...

Why Was Saint Anthony Great?  

Saint Anthony of Egypt or, as he is simply known in the history of monasticism, Anthony the Great, was born in Coma in Lower...

Bernard of Corleone, the Saint Who Gave Up the Sword

Saint Bernard of Corleone (1605 - 1667) could be the patron saint of the Mafia, and not just because he hails from the same...

Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys: What Canada Was, and May Be Again

On this January 12th here in Canada we celebrate Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620-1700), founder of the Congregation of Notre-Dame, and the first official school...

Saint Paul the Hermit

Saint Paul of Thebes (+ 341) is traditionally considered the first hermit in the Catholic Church, if we don’t include John the Baptist, who...

The Mysticism of Gregory of Nyssa

The memorial of Saint Gregory of Nyssa, even if not in the universal calendar, is on this January 10th. Gregory is one of the...