Is Superman still a Christian hero?

What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society intended? What if a child aspired to something greater? (Jor-El, Man of Steel) In June 1938,...


Millions Director: Danny Boyle, 98 min., U.K., 2004. Starring: Alex Etel, James Nesbitt, Daisy Donovan Plot: (Spoiler alert!) The UK is about to switch its...

Captain America

Wow. Captain America: The Winter Soldier had it all: action, suspense, mystery, romance, camaraderie, spies, secrets, and—most importantly—awesome superheroes. The action scenes were spectacular, but...


Calvary (2014) Directed by John Michael McDonagh Written by John Michael McDonagh   Stay for the credits at the end of Calvary, for interspersed in the endless lists...

Dracula Untold: Fallen man, the tragic hero

It is perpetually wonderful to me how much truth can find its way into secularists’ stories. Dracula Untold, Universal’s newest origins story, is a...

Captain Philips

I just took in the new American-everyman Tom Hank's movie, Captain Philips which, surprisingly from its limited quality, has made over $218 million so...

12 Years a Slave

12 Years a Slave is a powerful film based on the memoir by Solomon Northup published in 1853. The film has won 134 awards since...

Mission Impossible: To Make a Real Movie

I finally got around recently to watching the fifth instalment of the Mission Impossible franchise.  As expected, it was slick and high-budget, with impressive...


The 1987 movie RoboCop has become a household classic over the last 27 years and even if you have not seen it, chances are you have...

Ant-Man vs. Daredevil

(As a bit of light-hearted reading before the issuance of the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter later today, here are some thoughts on two superheroes,...