The Echo of Glencoe

On the way to the Highlands, about thirty or so miles north of Dumbarton, one passes through a valley of sombre beauty and history,...

Ben Nevis

When one first arrives in Scotland, everything seems a wee bit, well, smaller or, as they might put it, ‘wee-er’. The streets are narrow,...

Catholic Glasgow

On an intersection in Scotland’s largest city, at Glasgow Cross, the Jesuit priest Saint John Ogilvie, after brutal tortures by the ‘King’s Men’ in...

Singing, Sex-Ed and Louis and Zelie Martin

Paula Adamick in her article today, in her usual vivid way, connects the cultural trajectory from the ‘long, hot summer’ of 1968 to the...

On Martyrdom and True Religious Freedom

Carl Sundell has a very a propos article today in Catholic Insight on the remarkable Frank Sheed (+1982), a Catholic lay apologist who emphasized...

Doubting Thomas and the Nature of Faith

Today is the feast of Saint Thomas, the Apostle, who gets a bit of a bad rap as 'doubting' Thomas, a term is that...

Oh, Canada, Philosophy, Law and Global Warming

Well, another ‘Canada Day’ has come and gone, celebrating the founding of this Dominion in 1867, which achieved further ‘liberation’, if one wants to...

Nero, John Paul II and the Protomartyrs

The first, or proto-, martyrs of the Church of Rome commemorate the untold number of Christians put to death under the reign of Nero,...

Saints Peter and Paul and Obeying God

A blessed and joyous solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul to all our readers! As they were in life, comites, literally ‘fellow travellers’, so...

Irenaeus of Lyons, Bishop and Martyr

Saint Irenaeus is the saint of the day, the vigil of Saints Peter and Paul.  He was bishop of Lyons in what is now France, a...