The Providential Connection Between Popes John and John Paul

Pope Saint John I (470-526) was a native of Tuscany, a Deacon for years, helping govern the Church in her temporal affairs and distribution...

Virtue, Vice and Everything Nice? Blessed Dina Belanger

Father Callam’s take on Christ’s declaration that it is what comes from within a man making him unclean, all those unbridled and disordered passions...

A Good Lent

A blessed Ash Wednesday to all, as we begin the journey of Lent through the traditional practices of almsgiving, fasting  and prayer, not always...

You’ve Been Googled

James Damore, an engineer at Google (or should I say former engineer at Google) was fired recently for sending around a memo criticizing his company's...

Blessed Marie-Anne Blondin: Martyr of Silence

Bd. Marie-Anne Blondin (+1890), whose optional memorial falls today in our fair Dominion, the day of her birth in 1809, five decades before Canada...

Peter, Paul and the Path to Rome

Today's memorial of the dedication of the basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul - following upon that of the Lateran Basilica last week -...

Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes

No Pope is impeccable, even if, by virtue of their office, they are at times infallible – or, more precisely, a few of their...

Peter and Paul’s Eschatological Battle

A blessed solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, comites, as they say in Latin, companions in life and in death, martyred under the diabolical...

All Hallowed Eve, the Goats and the Sheep

‘Tis All Hallowed Eve, the vigil of All Saints’ Day, first officially instituted by Pope Gregory III (731 – 741), during what we know...

Solzhenitsyn: A Soul in Exile

I just finished reading Joseph Pearce’s biography of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, subtitled ‘A Soul in Exile’, a remarkable book, packing a very full life into...