The Radical Prodigal, Saint John of God

Saints are by definition ‘extreme’, for they live a liminal life, seeing past the veil of this world, and act as though all that...

Some Good News

A couple of good news stories, to lift our spirits a little.  We will hopefully have more of these to share in these pages: In...

Our Lady’s Musical Selection: Two Magnificats

On this Solemnity of the Annunciation, here are two songs to Our Lady: The first, J.S. Bach's magnificent Magnificat, published in 1733, likely for...

The Virgin Mary and Her Share in the Redemptive Work of Her Son

In light of the Holy Father's address the other day, in which he mentioned that Mary was and is not a 'co-redeemer', with Christ,...

Austen, Python and Regaining Humour

Why are things funny? Humour has eluded philosophers, and even more so scientists - and we are living in an increasingly humourless world, with...

The Line in the BC Sand

As we wrote recently, British Columbia currently has a total prohibition on public religious services; what is of most concern to Catholics is the...

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!

So cried Patrick Henry as the closing words of his immortal speech on this day in 1775, on the very eve of the American...

No Dubium About Irregular Unions

A furore has arisen in the rather staid response of the Congregration for the Doctrine of the Faith to the 'Dubium' - doubt, or...

Power, Authority and the Rhinoceros

(Another re-post, which I hope helps the reader see his way through our current thicket) G.K. Chesterton once quipped that a rhinoceros in a china...

Ite Ad Ioseph!

A blessed and joyous solemnity of Saint Joseph to all our readers! The strong and silent saint from the Gospel is a fitting one for...