The Ultimate Gift of Perpetua and Felicity

Today is also the feast – a commemoration now, in the Lenten calendar of the Novus Ordo – of the early martyrs Perpetua and...

Thomas’ Enduring Legacy

Today is the anniversary of the death of Saint Thomas Aquinas. In March of 1274, he fell ill on his way to the second Council...

Post Pirates

If I may be permitted a personal post-play reflection, a few words on Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College’s production and adaptation of Gilbert...

Cardinal Pell’s Due Process

One might well describe the conviction of Cardinal Pell a travesty of justice, but we will likely never know, as the trial was ‘blacked...

Minors and Majors

The Vatican synod currently underway has as its theme the ‘protection of minors’, a category that in our current intellectual milieu triggers a vivid...

Saint Peter’s Cathedra

It might seem odd to celebrate a 'chair', even one of Saint Peter, but today's feast commemorates not a physical object, but the office of the...

Sample’s Quiet Revolution

Liturgical music. The phrase may instil a faint feeling of nausea in those even remotely attuned to true beauty, as the strains of treacly...

The True Ecumenism of Saint Francis de Sales

In this week of prayer for Christian unity, I have an article on the Toronto archdiocesan webpage – or more like a few brief...

Snakes in Paradise

Did a snake really wash - or swim - ashore in Ireland – a land that, according to pious tradition, has been without the slithering...

Clarity and Trudeau’s Imprudent Diplomacy

As we move into this new year, we should make certain resolutions, and here’s one proposal: for all of us to strive for greater...