To Mask or Not to Mask? That is the Question

One of the primary tasks of a free citizenry is to resist encroaching tyranny – even of the ‘soft’ variety - for once we’ve...

Like a Tree Cut Back: Memoir of A Lost Ireland

Like a Tree Cut Back By Michael McCarthy The Poetry Business, Sheffield, England smith-doorstop, 2021 Father Michael McCarthy’s memoir, Like a Tree Cut Back, takes its title from...

Calendars, Missions and Holy Wisdom

While we commemorate Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a few other anniversaries on this historically significant day, which are all sort of providentially linked...

The Precipitous Prelate and the Prudential Pope

Newton’s Third Law has many applications, as does Hegel’s dialectic of thesis-antithesis-synthesis, in that eternal struggle of the World Spirit – even in the...

Ideas Do Have Consequences

On this day, in 1925, a young German veteran, bitter in soul from the humiliating defeat of his nation in the recent war ‘to...

Louis and Zelie Martin’s Ecclesia Domestica

July 12th is the day chosen as the feast of the parents of the 'Little Flower' as Louis and Zelie Martin are often known,...

Some Thoughts on the Alleged Prophecies of Father Michel Rodrigue

(A re-post of this earlier article in July, with a comment at the end that all readers should peruse, and follow the link...the plot...

Transitioning Toilets and Transforming the Mind

As I walked in the doors of the Social Science Centre at my one-time alma mater, the University of Western Ontario, I was struck...

Same-Sex Marriage Contra Naturam

(As the first line of this reflection I wrote a few years ago states, Canada legalized so-called 'same-sex' marriage sixteen years ago, which I...

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, the Bible and Cappucino

Born Guilio Cesare Russo to a family of Venetian merchants, but far to the south, in the village of Brindisi, right down on the...