Abstaining from Mass and Communion: A Reply to Dr. Kwasniewski

(In light of Saint Anthony Maria Zeccaria, and other saints of the 'devotio moderna' who advocated frequent, even daily, reception of the Eucharist, here...

That’s A Nice Bank Account You Got There…Shame if Something Happened to It.

The headline has it that media commentator Nigel Farange is getting the Trudeau treatment: Not quite, but close: No reason has been given, but...

The Hope and Joy of Pier Giorgio Frassati

One of the more joyful and attractive saints of modern times died on this day in 1925 at the youthful age of 24, Pier...

The Rainbow, the Maple Leaf and True Repentance

R.R. Reno is onto something with his claim that the ‘rainbow flag’ means far more than tolerance and all getting along, but an entire...

Ignorance of the Mass, New and Old

Ignorance - the state of not knowing what you should know - as opposed to nescience, not knowing what you shouldn't, or needn't, know. Monsignor...

Stand Before the Lord!

In the annals of the continued deviations of celebrations of the Novus Ordo - going way beyond what Vatican II and even the post-conciliar...

The Logic of the Sacred Heart

Today's solemnity of the Sacred Heart is of rather recent provenance as Church history goes.  Although the full humanity of Christ, body and soul,...

Saint Boniface: Laying the Axe to the Root of Evil

Saint Boniface, bishop, missionary and martyr was hacked to death by a band of Frisian idol-worshippers on this  day, June 5, 754, along with...

‘Love’ Isn’t Always Love

'Anti-hate' is all the rage, if one may excuse the mixed metaphor. The ‘anti’ of something is, logically, its contrary, and the contrary of...

Alberta Votes, and We Hope She Votes Wisely

The province of Alberta votes tomorrow, and, while not unduly influencing the democratic process – for do we not influence to some extent, even...