The Problem with Sedevanctism
(With Father James Altman's recent declaration on the question of sedevacantism, here is a re-post of something I wrote earlier in the summer, and...
Saint Rose of Viterbo and San Marino
Saint Rose of Viterbo (1233 - 1251) was a recluse in the Italian commune from which she takes her name, and which was contested...
Consensus, Consent and Cognitive Ease
Truth can be a difficult thing to grasp. Defined by Saint Thomas, following Aristotle, as adequatio rei et intellectus - the conformity between the...
Churches Spared
Even the secular news had to admit that it was odd, even using the word ‘miraculous’ as this headline proclaimed, that the Catholic church...
Saints Agapitus and Helena
Saint Agapitus, an early Roman martyr (+274) was from the ancient family of Palestrina, from which, 1300 years later, would derive one of the...
WYD In Need of a Reboot
A few words on World Youth Day, which just wrapped up in Lisbon, on which much ink has already been spilled: There is, as...
Conan, Youths, and the Cult of Climate Change
Climate change hysteria is heating up, with parts of the globe experiencing record-level temperatures. As the saying goes, never let a good crisis go...
Thinking as Though God Exists: Newman on Evangelizing the “Nones”
Dr. Ryan Topping, of Newman Theological College in Edmonton, zealous proponent of true Catholic education, life-long teacher, prolific author and sometime contributor to these...
Martha, Mary and Marriage
This memorial of Saint Martha, in accord with a decree from the Congregation of Divine Worship, now also includes her brother Lazarus, the one...
Pastor Pawlawski’s Witness
Pastor Arthur Pawlowski has been found guilty of "inciting mischief and eco-terrorism", a charge that could result in a ten-year prison sentence. You may...