Easter, Atonement and the Mystagogy of Our Faith

These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you – that everything written about me in the Law...

Blessed James Duckett: The Joy of Forgiveness

Before this day ends, a brief word about the remarkable, and largely unknown, Blessed James Duckett, about whom I knew nothing until a write...

The Salvific Power of Beauty

Dostoyevsky wrote, through the voice of Prince Myskin in his novel, The Idiot, that ‘beauty would save the world’. I have often wondered about that...

An Immanent, and Imminent, Choice

We pray for the victims of the school shooting in Nashville - three students and three teachers gunned down at a Christian school. Requiescant...

What Happened?

For these latter days of Lent, I just began reading Father Romano Guardini's Jesus Christus - his 1963 meditation on the life of the...

Mary’s Fiat

A blessed solemnity of the Annunciation, to all our readers! This feast commemorates the conception of the Son of God in the womb of...

Dumbed Down and Drugged Up

Intelligence is a difficult thing to define, never mind measure. But we can gain some idea of what 'intelligence' implies - knowledge of fundamental...

Saint Patrick and His Emerald Isle

A very happy Saint Patrick’s Day, to all our readers, and we extend that to all who are of Irish lineage, or those who...

The Tremendous Work of Clement Mary Hofbauer

The tumultuous life of Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer (1751 - 1820) proves what the devil once admitted to the Cure d'Ars, that if there...

Four Spaniards and a Saint?

On March 12th, 1622, Pope Gregory canonized Philip Neri, along with Ignatius Loyola, Francis Xavier, Teresa of Avila and Isidore the Farmer - or,...