Two (other) Saint Nicholases: Flüe and Owen

On March 21 and 22, we commemorate two saints by the name of Nicholas. The first is Saint Nicholas of Flüe (1415 - 1487),...

The Creeping Totalitarianism of Bill C-63

Justin Trudeau and his 'Justice' Minister, Arif Virani, are doubling down on Bill C-63, purported to make the internet a 'safe place for children'....

Power, Authority and the Rhinoceros

(Another re-post, which I hope helps the reader see his way through our current thicket) G.K. Chesterton once quipped that a rhinoceros in a china...

The Limits of Papal Authority

(In light of Pope Francis' recent comments that those who refused to get the Covid 'vaxx' is tantamount to quasi-suicide, here are my thoughts...

Ite Ad Ioseph!

A blessed and joyous solemnity of Saint Joseph to all our readers! The strong and silent saint from the Gospel is a fitting one for...

Entropy and the Last Word

When Sadi Carnot formulated the Second Law of Thermodynamics in the early 19th century, a law also known as the law of entropy, people...

Pilgrimage to the Martyrs

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College is embarking today on our annual pilgrimage to Martyrs' Shrine in Midland, following the steps of Saints Jean...

Saint Sophronius the Sophist

March 11th is the traditional feast of Saint Sophronius (560 - 638), patriarch of Jerusalem from 634 to his death on this day in...

Let’s Be Clear: IVF is Intrinsically Evil

IVF, like its inverted cousin, contraception, is a flash point between Catholics and Protestants - and even amongst Catholics themselves - witness Mr. Biden's...

Ireland’s Referendum on Marriage, Motherhood and Family – March 8th

Ireland is at it again, or at least those who currently govern the Emerald Isle, once so Catholic, and, now, well, chucking off her...