Joy and Saint Philip

Paula Adamick’s discussion of the skyrocketing rates of ‘depression’, especially amongst the young, should give us some deep pause. After all, youth, as Saint...

Quebec’s Demographic Demise

Quebec is back in the news, this time with a report of its death-spiral of a birth rate.  It seems Quebec women by and...

The Choice to March for Life

Today, the feast of Saint Matthias, paradoxically marks the sombre anniversary of the legalization of abortion in Canada, under Trudeau Sr., in 1969.  Omnibus...

Birthday Blessings to JP II, Marriage and the Liberals’ Ludicrous Energy Plan

*Today would have been the 96th birthday of Pope Saint John Paul II, who died just shy of his 85 birthday.  Very few Popes...

To Yoga, or Not?

Last week, I was walking through Ottawa, and what greeted me on the vast lawn in front of the Parliament buildings was a sight...

Saint Philip and Witnessing for Life

Today is the feast of Saint Philip Neri (+1595), the second Apostle of Rome, and the founder of the Oratory, whose houses are now...

The Two Divine Ladies

Today is the feast of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, the patroness of our college here in Barry's Bay, as well as Our Lady...

Some Sliver of Hope for Ireland

What is one to say about the tragic vote in Ireland last Friday, on the day of the three saints (not one of whom...

A Kinder Visitation

A blessed and joyous feast of the Visitation, commemorating the journey and meeting of the Virgin Mary to her ‘kinswoman’ Elizabeth, at her home...

Justin the Martyr

Saint Justin, who is called the 'martyr', was a pagan convert to Christianity, based in large part upon his investigation of the rational arguments...