Olympic Cult of the Body

(What follows is a revised version of a piece I wrote two years ago, for the Rio Olympics, adapted. Just so all readers know,...

A Good Lent

A blessed Ash Wednesday to all, as we begin the journey of Lent through the traditional practices of almsgiving, fasting  and prayer, not always...

Saint Peter’s Cathedra

It might seem odd to celebrate a 'chair', even one of Saint Peter, but today's feast commemorates not a physical object, but the office of the...

God or King?

I have this theory, and history attestst to its veracity, that people are by nature monarchists.  Oh, we may give lip service to republicanism...

Retracting and Detracting

Patrick Brown has thrown his hat into the ring of the Progressive Conservative leadership race, vying to win back the very position he resigned...

Troublesome Technology and the Modesty of Mixed Doubles

I suppose I should wish everyone a joyous and restful Family Day, but I have a strong, almost knee-jerk, reaction to State-mandated holidays, regardless...

John of God

Saint John of God, whose baptismal name was João Duarte Cidade, lived an incredible life: on the streets alone soon after the tender age...

Fare Thee Well, South Africa

The errors of communism, as Our Lady predicted, continue their long, slow march throughout the world, but sometimes this march takes a sharp turn...

Mϋller and Polycarp

While we're on the topic of clarity, an excellent read is this recent piece by Gerhard Cardinal Mϋller in First Things. Quite a limpid,...

Childless Despair and Childlike Hope

This rather sad article recounts the growing movement of deliberate childlessness, in the United States, and beyond. Or, as those in the movement like...