Reveling in Death
Ellen Wiebe loves her job. I would call her a 'doctor', for she is technically qualified as a physician. But since her job is...
Saint Benedict and His Option
A blessed feast of Saint Benedict (+543), as we commemorate the monk credited with saving what we know as 'civilization'. As a student in...
The Unbalanced Power Dynamics of Michel Foucault
We can learn much from those with whom we disagree, even on the most fundamental issues. Extrema se tangunt, goes the Latin proverb -...
The Martyrs of Gorkum and Annulled Anne of Cleves
In one of those many mysteries of providence, this day marking the martyrs of China is also the anniversary of the Martyrs of Gorkum,...
Myriads of Martyrs for China
Through the centuries there have been untold thousands of martyrs in China, and July 9th is chosen as the day to commemorate them, for...
Saint Kilian, and Cillian
July 9th is the traditional feast of Saint Cilian, also Kilian (640 - 689), an Irish missionary monk who took the Catholic Faith from...
Persevering in Faith with Thomas, and Thomas
The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!" And the Lord said, "If you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you...
Independence Day, Pier Giorgio and Elizabeth of Portugal
A joyous Independence Day to all our American readers. There are any number of factions developing in the once-United States, but all can be...
Thomas, Apostle – Now I’m A Believer
Saint Thomas, the Apostle, is called 'Didymus', the 'twin', perhaps, as some surmised, because he looked a lot like Christ. Whether that be true,...
Happy Canada’s Dominion Day!
A blessed Canada-Dominion Day to all our readers, on which we celebrate the official founding of ‘Canada’ as a (mostly) independent part of the...