Impure Thoughts and Morose Delectation

What we know of the saints is the least part of them. So quipped Saint Philp Neri (+1595), and it is a saying that...

Saint Columbkille, the Irish Apostle to Scotland

If you will forgive a little parochialism, today is the feast of Saint Columbkille (521-597), also called Columba, who is not celebrated in the...

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, Our Lady of Combermere and the Immaculate Heart

A blessed ‘feast’ of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, Sedes Sapientiae, an ancient and venerable title of the Virgin Mary celebrated on June 8th...

Holy Norbert and Heroic Normandy

Saint Norbert (+1134) of Xanten was a zealous bishop and founder, whose feast has since 2018 been trumped by Mother of the Church. I...

A Brief History of Devotion to the Sacred Heart and Prayer for Priests

A blessed Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to all our readers, a feast which has its origins in the early Middle Ages,...

Public versus Private: A Response to Dr. Catherine Pakaluk

Catherine Pakaluk, a professor at Catholic University of America, in a recent article over at First Things, seems to opine that no one should...

Saint Charles Lwanga and Companion Martyrs

If the Church seems moribund in North America, there is hope in the vast continent of Africa, where there are untold millions of Catholics,...

Corpus Christi and the Poetry of Thomas Aquinas

(In Canada, the Solemnity is transferred to the next Sunday. In the universal Church, and various traditional rites and communities, it is celebrated on the...

Warsaw Bans the Cross

The secularization of Poland continues apace: The mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, has now banned any public display of crosses (and any other 'religious...

Justin, the Martyr Philosopher

Saint Justin (+165) who is called the 'martyr', was born around the time the last Apostle, John, departed this life for heaven. Justin was...