Catherine Labouré and the Miraculous Medal

November 27th is the anniversary of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Catherine Labouré, a Visitation Sister, during her evening meditation....

Catherine’s Pure Philosophy

In one of those ironies of God's history - choosing what seems weak to confound the apparently strong - the patron saint of philosophers...

Andrew-Dung Lac and the Vietnamese Martyrs: Washed in the Blood of the Lamb

On this memorial of the Martyrs of Vietnam, we commemorate today a whole panoply of white-robed witnesses, Christians, bishops, priests, Franciscans, Dominicans, lay men,...

Faith, Reason and Formal Objects

In 1998, 25 years ago, Pope Saint John Paul II published his encyclical, Fides et Ratio, on the relationship between faith and reason, the...

A Triptych of Saints: Clement, Columba and Pro

November 23rd marks one of those tri-partite saint days, Clement, Columba and Pro, which sounds like a sign outside a law office - not...

Saint Caecilia’s Heavenly Music

We have yet to hear what heavenly music sounds like, but Saint Francis de Sales once recounted that he was blessed to hear an...

The Presentation, Our Lady’s Perfect Gift of Self

The Presentation of Mary – commemorating Our Lady’s dedication and consecration to God as a young girl of about three years old in the...

Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne

November 18th is also the optional memorial of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne (1769 - 1852), a native of France, but who spent much of...

Peter, Paul and the Path to Rome

Today's memorial of the dedication of the basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul - following upon that of the Lateran Basilica last week -...

Saints Margaret of Scotland and Gertrude of Germany

Beautiful and demure Margaret of Scotland (+1093) was the devoted wife of Malcom III, King of the nation to which she fled as a...