Of Euthanasia and Martrydom
*I have an article just published this morning in Crisis magazine (crisismagazine.com), which you can find here. I will post it here after a...
Liberal Budget Educated in Red Ink
The Ontario Liberal budget was released yesterday: As expected, costs are going up, while revenues tank, the deficit is $50 billion, the debt, well,...
Trump, Zika and Contraception
The Holy Father has started another furore with his latest off-the-cuff interview on the plan ride back from his pilgrimage to Mexico. I would...
Humanities, Technology and the Martian
On a news report the other evening, it was mentioned that enrolment in the humanities (philosophy, literature, history, to say nothing of theology) has...
Valentine’s Day and Violence
As we near the over-hyped commemoration we call 'Valentine's Day' (Valentine was a rather obscure third-century martyr, of whom we know little, but legends...
Of Japanese Martyrs, Hotel Refugee and Orthodox Reunion
*The migrant/refugee debacle continues, with assaults, rapes and (so far, thankfully foiled) terrorist plots in Germany, Sweden and other countries, who have bent on...
Mission Impossible: To Make a Real Movie
I finally got around recently to watching the fifth instalment of the Mission Impossible franchise. As expected, it was slick and high-budget, with impressive...
Gunplay and Bullying
*Officer James Forcillo has been found guilty of attempted murder, a curious conviction considering that he had already killed Sammy Yatim. That is, the...
What’s Wrong with the University?
Chesterton wrote a book, a collection of essays, which he called 'What's Wrong with the World', and, it seems, a lot, even back in...
Is Cash Still King?
I wonder how many of us still use cash? Reports state that we are becoming more and more a cash-less society, with Sweden (yes,...