Saint Vincent de Paul’s Straight Shooting Charity

The life of Saint Vincent de Paul (1581 - 1660)  - he always signed his name 'Depaul', perhaps so people would not think him...

Apocalyptic Synods

The long-awaited, or dreaded, depending on one's perspective, Synod on Synodality begins today, and we pray that whatever God wills from this, whether antecedently...

Fortunate Faustina and the Divine Mercy

Today we celebrate one of the newest of saints in the liturgical calendar, placed therein only a few years ago, with October 5th, the...

The Holy Rosary, the Hope of Lepanto, of Europe, of the World…

Today we celebrate Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, a feast instituted by Pope Saint Pius V in commemoration of the great victory...

Our Lady of the Pillar

This Marian commemoration dates back to very early in the Church's history. In fact, it is the first 'vision' of Our Lady. As the...

Anthony Mary Claret, On Fire for God

Anthony Mary Claret died on this day, October 24th, 1870, after a long, full and adventurous life, demonstrating how much one man can do...

Good Pope John and His Council

Today marks the 61st anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, six decades back to those heady days of the early sixties,...

Callixtus and Hippolytus in Sardinia

This is the memorial of Saints Callixtus, (+222-223) (also spelled Callistus) a reformed slave who seems to have lived a rather dissolute and rebellious...

Trudeau’s Tinfoil Hat

One of the worst of logical fallacies - which is to say, the weakest - is the ad hominem argument. That is, instead of...

Luke, Evangelist, Physician, Artist

A blessed feast of Saint Luke (+84) to all our readers! He was one of the four evangelists, author of the third Gospel -...