Of Dubia and Infants’ Rights

Concerning the 'dubium' put forward by the four cardinals, asking the Pope to clarify certain ambiguities in the recent post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, we...

Sam Against the Liberal Leviathan

Well, I have expanded my thoughts on young Sam Oosterhoff standing against the Liberal Leviathan, stumbling over our landscape and crushing just about everything...

Young Sam and Somalis

Another Islamic terrorist attack in America, this time in Ohio, where a Somali-born student, 'self-radicalized' according to reports, went on a rampage with his...

The End of Castro

Justin Trudeau shows his true colours once again, eulogizing Castro as a 'friend' of his Dad's, who 'made significant improvements to the healthcare and...

Philosophers, Trudeau and Trump

Today is the feast of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, a woman 'renowned for her learning', put to death as a virgin martyr in 305...

Of Severed Heads, Pronoun Wars and Canaries

An Italian neurosurgeon, Sergio Canavero, is planning to head up the first human body-head transplant, taking the head from a man, Valery Spiridonov, who...

Youthful Ambition Pays Big

So Mr. Oosterfhoff has won the by-election, becoming the youngest MP ever to win a seat in the provincial legislature.  I wish him and...

Laying Heavy Burdens of Carbon

John Robson is right, when he decries the hypocrisy of Prime Minister Trudeau and his entourage of 225 ‘delegates’ to the ‘climate change’ conference...

Albertus Magnus

Saint Albert was called the 'great' even during his lifetime, rumoured to have known everything there was to be known, which may have been...

Please do feel free to join the parish of the Immaculate Conception as they celebrate the Holy Eucharist with Schubert’s Mass in G Tomorrow, Sunday,...