The Dies Irae Through the Ages
The Dies Irae - 'Day of Wrath' - is a 13th century sequence preparing us for the final judgement, composed perhaps by the Franciscan...
Choosing Wisely
Election - from the Latin 'eligere - to choose'.
Choose life, that you and your children may live (Dt 30:19)
The core battle of our time...
All the Myriads of Saints
A blessed solemnity of All Saints to all our readers, a feast that goes back to its official institution by Pope Gregory III (731...
Luther’s Re- or-De-Formation
(Here is a re-post of a reflection on this 'All Hallow's Eve' anniversary of the generally accepted date for the formal start of the...
The Surreality of Reality
Things are surreal, and getting more so by the minute - or so it goes. In the first minute or so of his interview...
Simon, Jude and Desperate Causes
All of the Apostles have a feast day, and on this 28th of October, we celebrate Saints Simon and Jude, the latter, in particular, being invoked...
Saint Crispin, Agincourt and the Forty Martyrs
This day, October the 25th, is Saint Crispin's Day - or, rather, the feast of Saint Crispin and Crispianus, for let us not forget...
Anthony Mary Claret, On Fire for God
Anthony Mary Claret died on this day, October 24th, 1870, after a long, full and adventurous life, demonstrating how much one man can do...
The Fightin’ Friar of Capistrano
John of Capistrano (+1456) lived a life very much in the ‘world’ at first, studying law, and becoming involved with the political machinations of...
The Late, Great Saint John Paul II
Today is the memorial of Pope Saint John Paul II, who was beatified on May 1st, 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI, and canonized ten...