The Radical Prodigal, Saint John of God

Saints are by definition ‘extreme’, for they live a liminal life, on the very threshold of eternity, seeing past the veil of this world....

Saints Perpetua, Felicity…and the 750th Anniversary of Thomas Aquinas

Today marks the memorial of the early martyrs Perpetua and Felicity, put to death likely in the year 203, under the reign of Septimius...

Saint Casimir the Chaste, of Poland

Today's saint, one of the patrons of Poland, and of Lithuania, whose very name means 'bearer of peace', makes a very a propos intercessor...

Katharine Drexel: The First All American Saint

Mother Katharine Mary Drexel (1858 - 1955) is a fitting intercessor for the racial tensions afflicting her native United States - she is the...

Saint David, of Wales

A brief note on Saint David, the sixth-century monastic bishop, now patron, of Wales, born at an unknown date, but who likely died on...

The Catholic Case for Intelligent Design

Father Martin Hilbert, C.O. has written a remarkable book. His ‘The Catholic Case for Intelligent Design’, an argument for seeing God’s handiwork and providence...

Saint Gregory Narek, Mystic, Monk and Doctor

The Armenian monk Gregory Narek (Grigor Narekatsi), whose life spanned the latter half of the 11th century (ca. 950 - 1003), was enrolled amongst...

Saint Gabriel Possenti – God, Prayer…and Guns?

Gabriel of the Seven Sorrows, who died on this day in 1862, may be seen as a kind of male Saint Thérèse, but, as...

Saint Polycarp’s Baked Bread and Boldness

The Church has had martyrs since her earliest days, and will have them unto the end of time.  One of the first in the...

Leaning on Peter’s Chair

The Chair of Saint Peter, is a comforting one, a symbol of the 'pillar and bulwark' of the truth, which is the Church, signifying...