Seat of Wisdom Schola at Pembroke Cathedral

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Schola is providing music for the 5:15 p.m. Mass on Sunday, November 4th, at the Pembroke Cathedral (188 Renfrew...

Robert Bork on Slouching towards Gomorrah

Robert Heron Bork (1927 –2012) was a judge and law professor who was nominated by President Ronald Reagan to the Supreme Court in 1987....

The State as Corrupting

“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.” ― Leo Tolstoy If you peruse the Showbiz section of any...

Mulling over Merton

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a Trappist monk, theologian, poet, mystic, and the author of more than seventy books. Having lost both parents by the...

Healing the Wound of Abortion

On a late winter’s evening, my mother left her body like a discarded nightgown on an unmade bed. I was sitting by the window...

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

(In light of the memorial of the Guardian Angels, along with the previous feast of the Archangels, here are some words of Father Callum...

T.S. Eliot on Society and Religion

Thomas Sterns Eliot (1888-1965) was born in St. Louis, Missouri and migrated to England at the age of 25. As did the American novelist...

Women’s Finals and the Perils of Groupthink

By now, avid sports fans throughout the Western world and anyone who follows the news regularly, will have heard of Serena Williams’s blow-up at...

Oh, Cannabis!

On October 17, Canada will begin a new era of decadence. From that day on, cannabis – aka marijuana and pot – will be...

Hollywood Potential: Why Catholics Should Watch Movies

In my high school years, I became very active on a small, obscure social media website by the name of Tumblr. For anyone who might...