Pope St. John Paul II

Pope Saint John Paul II Reflects on the Cross

(An excerpt from a homily preached by Pope Saint John Paul II in Lesotho, in 1988): In the Gospel of this feast we are witnesses...

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

We should glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus, in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection, through whom we are saved and...

The Holy Name of Mary is our Hope

As we are joyfully celebrating the feast of the Holy Name of Mary, on this twelfth of September, it is important that we see...

The Battle of Vienna and the Holy Name of Mary

September 12th commemorates the Battle of Vienna, the great victory in 1683 of the Christians armies, led by Jan Sobieski, against the Ottoman Turks...

Is Religion a Force for the Good?

Most people regard religion as a constructive and positive force in human history, while some regard it as a false and negative force. Naturally,...

Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko, Conscripted Priest, and Martyr for Conscience

Next month, October, marks the 40th anniversary of the abduction and murder of Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko (1947-1984). He was a Polish Roman Catholic...

Benedict XVI: An Apologia for a ‘Smaller Church’

“I had studied Ratzinger's writings in advance and especially his diagnoses of the times.  And I was somewhat stunned to see that Ratzinger's analyses...

Is Religion a Burden?

Religion and philosophy share one precise goal: to explore and explain all the unseen causes behind the visible world of human experience. Philosophy seeks...

Pope Benedict’s First Address on Saint Gregory the Great

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Wednesday, 28 May 2008 Saint Gregory the Great (1) Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last Wednesday I spoke of a Father of the Church little known...

Andre Grasset, Canada’s First Beatus, Martyr in the September Massacres

Blessed André Grassett was the first Canadian to be beatified - not quite the first 'saint', which requires canonization, and that honour belongs to...