Traditionis Custodes and the Faithful’s Response: Parrhesia
On July 16th, Pope Francis issued the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, On the Use of the Roman Liturgy Prior to the Reform of 1970....
The Holy Mass Part III: As Sacrifice and Heavenly Food, Not Therapeutic Pablum and...
This Sunday’s reflection is the third in a series of meditations on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with specific references to the Ancient...
Sometimes, Alas, Arguing is Futile
Jesus provides us with a motive for acting, viz., the love of God, which in practical terms produces a love of our neighbours. That’s...
Interior Freedom By Frequent Confession
(The question of how often to go to the sacrament of confession is a very personal one for Catholics, made deep within one's conscience,...
The Holy Mass Part II: What God Does for Us, and What We Do...
This Sunday’s reflection is the second in a series of meditations on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with specific references to the Ancient...
The Bible, as History and Theology
There was a theologian a few years ago who made quite a splash in the media by criticizing the Bible. A lot of people...
Saint Bonaventure: Contemplatio in Actione
Who is this saint, Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, whose feast collect aptly describes him as a man of great learning and having the ardor of … charity?
Bonaventure and Thomas
(In light of the today's feast of Saint Bonaventure, here are some thoughts on the great Franciscan cardinal, scholastic, doctor of the Church and...
Under the Holy Cloak of St. Joseph, Patron the Universal Church and Patron of...
This past week, in the cycle of readings for ferial Masses, we read the story of the Patriarch Joseph. It is a story rich...
Cardinal Gibbons’ Cure for Atheism
James Cardinal Gibbons (1834-1921) was twenty one when Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, and died not long after World War I. He attended the...