Thirty Second Sunday: Giving Our All For God

Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For…she out of her...

Becoming Blind to Pornography on the Internet

“And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life...

The Popes and Becoming Holy

In the solemnity of All Saints Day we are reminded that we too can become holy. Holiness must be our existential target. In fact,...

Praying for and with All the Holy Souls

A blessed All Souls’ Day to all our readers. Here is an article from our archives, which sums up the Church's tradition of praying...

Loving God With All Our Heart

‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one’ (Mk. 12:29). ⧾ The Gospel of the Mass today contains what we Christians call...

The Bioethicist and the Embryo

(This is one instalment of a four-part series on the human embryo by Dr. Eshan Dias. We are posting the third part of the...

The Body and Judgement

“The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead, . . . will give life to your mortal bodies.” This is what we...

Saint Joseph: Foster Father, Virginal Father, Real Father?

As I do more reading into what various theologians and josephologists have written about the fatherhood of Saint Joseph, I notice that there is...

Christ’s Universal Grace

Saint Paul’s letter to the Romans is based on a parallel between the figures of Adam and Jesus Christ. In the Bible, Adam is...

Max Planck’s Mighty Minimum

Suppose for instance someone maintained that there is a minimum magnitude; that man with his minimum would shake the foundations of mathematics. So prophesied Aristotle...