Hilaire Belloc on a World at War with the Church

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10 Hilaire Belloc's somewhat long and...

Cantate et Adorate, Pastores et Magi

A very blessed Solemnity of the Epiphany, or Second Sunday of Christmas, depending on where you're reading this. Here in Canada, the feast commemorating...

Epiphany: Kneeling Humbly Before our God

On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then opening their treasure...

A Christmas and New Year’s Meditation: To the Future, with Hope

The Divine Office is the prayer book of priests. It consists of psalms, hymns and prayers that are said through the day. Some lay...

The Nature and Extent of Josephology

Josephology is a relatively new branch of theology that has appeared about two hundred to one hundred-fifty years ago. It has its origins in...

The Eucharist, the Church, and Abortion

Introduction Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver has aptly said that "abortion is the central social issue of this moment in our national history ‒...

Mozart’s Et Incarnatus Est

Mozart's Great Mass in C Major, the 'Coronation Mass', Krönungsmesse - so called since it was a favorite of the imperial court, performed often...

Pope Benedict’s Final Christmas Urbi et Orbi

ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI ON THE OCCASION OF CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO THE ROMAN CURIA Clementine Hall Friday, 21 December 2012 Dear Cardinals, Brother Bishops and Priests, Dear Brothers and...

The Prism of Paris

“France has been one of the great nations marked by the Christian faith since the dawn of history; and after the fall of the...

Mary, Ever Virgin, Yet Mother of All

In these latter days of Advent, our focus, liturgically and devotionally, is on Our Lady, expectant, preparing to give birth to the One who...