A Grave Problem

“Every word he says is a lie. A nose as long as the trucker‘s convoy.” Dr. Jordan Peterson Well, isn’t this awkward? Recent reports from...

Cardinal Stephen Langton and the Magna Carta

(A very a propos and providential piece by Carl Sundell, as we all have our own truculent and tyrannical 'King Johns' sitting on our...

The Queen’s Seventieth

We could not let this day pass without wishing the Queen - about whom I am ambivalent, but a queen’s still a queen - a...

Goel Redeemer, the Avenger of Blood

Jesus has redeemed sinners through his passion, death, and resurrection, and this paschal mystery can never be fully grasped by the human mind. However,...

The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord and Consecrated Life

Today, we celebrate the feast of Our Lord's Presentation, in the Temple, characterized by the mention of light. But who is the light? As the...

And the Two Shall Become One:  The Matrimonial Nature of the Holy Mass.

(In the midst of our troubled world, we must keep hope alive, and that includes a celebration of marriages, which is our most foundational...

True Love and Willing the Good: Is Love Kind and Patient?

An examination of the synonyms of love found in Roget’s Thesaurus provide an entry into today’s second reading, Saint Paul’s mini-treatise on love; appetite, favour,...

Fourth Sunday: Witnessing to the Truth

But Jesus passed through the midst of them and went on His way (Lk. 4:30). ⧾ Our Gospel reading today is a continuation of last...

Revolution and Renewal in England: Glimpses into the History of Catholicism in ‘Mary’s...

(On this day, January 25th, in 1533, Henry VIII secretly married his paramour Anne Boleyn, for whom he had thrown off not only his...

Bach’s Incomparable Chaconne

The final, fourth movement of Bach's partita for violin in D minor, composed between 1717 and 1720, is often called 'the chaconne', even if...